FPO Educational Series webinar III
June 22, 2021

C-SAFE conducted FPO Educational Series III in partnership with MyCFO, TATA STRIVE, PRACTUS <a href="https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/xQZdmSTpmTKMUXszKBxJiCml0_fdToerYjrdcmlGAtOVCpDHBmTD7uhS_APIh2NZ.IdoOLHm34MqAen0r

C-SAFE have organized FPO Educational Series V in partnership with MyCFO, TATA STRIVE, PRACTUS
The webinar will be focused on GST with following aspects:

GST and it’s Compliances

1. Normal and compliance GST

2. How does an individual fill GST?

3. Clarity on % of GST applied to different agricultural products

4. Document needed to fill GST

5.Tax ledger and GST ledger on GST portal, Minimize liabilities on GST

6. Explain RCM and how we can sue tax credit? & many more followed by Question and Answer round

Webinar link